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«European Journal of Renewable Energy» – электронный научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2454-0870
Периодичность – 1 раз в год.

Издается с 2016 года.

1 December 26, 2022


1. Danila A. Inzhuvatov, Ali Kalmamatov
Methods for Optimizing Power Supply in Various Settlements and Industrial Enterprises in Russia

European Journal of Renewable Energy. 2022. 7(1): 3-8.
DOI: 10.13187/ejre.2022.1.3CrossRef

Energy supply is an important process that is inextricably linked with human life. It affects not only all industries, but, one way or another, every person. Without this process, our society has forever said goodbye to such things that have entered so deeply into the habitual life of a person, such as trains, the Internet, etc. All major industrial facilities would stop working. In the end, people rolled back, in terms of development, to the Stone Age. As practice shows, regions with a developed energy network not only have stability in development, but also show good industrial growth dynamics and a high standard of living for the population. In order to achieve such conditions in Russia, it is necessary to solve a number of problems in the field of energy supply. This work is devoted to the problems of optimizing the energy supply process. The various experience of scientists is given, which contributes to the solution of many issues of different elements of this system. In the process of analyzing this problem, it becomes clear that it is necessary to start not specifically from any element, but directly from the global program. Also, do not forget about the peculiarities of the location of the regions.

URL: https://ejre.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1683551299.pdf
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2. Danila A. Inzhuvatov, Igor A. Krasnov
Ways to Solve the Main Problems of Electric Vehicles

European Journal of Renewable Energy. 2022. 7(1): 9-14.
DOI: 10.13187/ejre.2022.1.9CrossRef

In the automotive sector, the most global and interesting changes are taking place in the electric vehicle industry. The speed of development of this transport is simply impressive: until recently, from a useless, fashion toy, they are slowly becoming an integral part of our lives. Alas, this type of transport has many disadvantages that prevent its use everywhere. At this point in time, they are widely used in regions where there are favorable conditions for their operation. These conditions include not only natural factors, such as a warm climate, but also the development of the region. The development of an enabling environment will play a key role in their ubiquity. In such regions, with a large number of charging stations, benefits and services, the electric car is already imposing worthy competition on classic modes of transport. Therefore, scientists from all over the world are struggling to solve issues related to the performance and recycling of waste when disposing batteries. With the solution of such problems, the purchase of such a car will not only be environmentally sound, but also economically justified, to the point that this type of transport will be able, in the near future, to replace the cars with internal combustion engines that are familiar to us.

URL: https://ejre.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1683551421.pdf
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3. Polina A. Kultysheva, Vladislav V. Khalyavin
Energy of Liquid Diffusion

European Journal of Renewable Energy. 2022. 7(1): 15-17.
DOI: 10.13187/ejre.2022.1.15CrossRef

The article is devoted to identifying the advantages of osmotic installations, as well as assessing the feasibility of using such installations in Russia. The weak point of almost all alternative energy sources is that they depend on climatic conditions. This disadvantage is absent in osmotic installations. Energy in them is obtained due to the difference in salinity in sea and fresh water. Their positive qualities and shortcomings are revealed in the work. For the conditions of Russia, the use of this technology has great prospects. The use of this technology will have a positive effect on the environment, as it will significantly reduce the share of energy that is obtained from standard energy sources.

URL: https://ejre.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1683551640.pdf
Number of views: 59      Download in PDF

4. Svetlana V. Kibardina
Gravitational Energy

European Journal of Renewable Energy. 2022. 7(1): 18-20.
DOI: 10.13187/ejre.2022.1.18CrossRef

One of the methods implemented in alternative energy is the transition from gravitational energy to thermal energy and then to electricity. This transformation is carried out in a gravitational power plant. The physics of the process in one of these converters is considered. It is shown that the work of gravity stations resembles the processes of the water cycle in nature. To date, many options for implementing this idea have been proposed. Moreover, author's certificates on the subject of “gravity dam” appeared in the USSR back in the 1970s. Currently, there are patent solutions, both for entire power plants, and for individual units and even engines.

URL: https://ejre.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1684322312.pdf
Number of views: 53      Download in PDF

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URL: https://ejre.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1684322330.pdf
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